We talked to Eivør, the unique voice of the Faroe Islands, for her new album “Segl” and more!

1- Hello Eivør! First of all I want to say congrats for your New album”Segl” I have been listening it since day one and I can say that I adore it!How it feels like releasing new album
Eivor: Thank you so much. So happy you like it. It feels very good to finally be releasing this album which has been in the making for a few yearsnow ?
2 – Can you talk about Segl like when did you start to write it, story behind it etc..
Eivor: I started writing the music for SEGL 4 years ago. SLEEP ON IT was the first song I wrote and the song that kind of started the whole process.This album is very much about navigating through the extremes, the dark and the light in your life. All the things that make you who you are.
3- Your previous album “Slør” had dark, mystic sounds. I think “Segl” is lighter than “Slør” and you have different style. Do you think you are innext path of your career with “Segl” ? What is the main difference between Segl and Slør?
Eivor: I think that every album I make is marked by where I am in my life creatively and also personally, and every album has elements from my previous work entwined with new elements which I amcurious to explore. Slør is very much about home sickness and returning back to my roots. Segl is more about lookingout and navigating though unknown places.

4- You are Nordic musician with folk music style. When someone says “Nordic, folk…” I think it is like gothic person who wanders in her dailylife with flower stones, you know what I mean ? How is your daily life? What do you do when you are far away from stage, Nordic and exoticatmosphere? What is your hobbies?
Eivor: Haha… flower stones! Love it. Somehow I just see my self as a curious artist always yearning to create the perfect piece of music. But I am of course inspired by my roots in folk music and the surroundings of the place I come from. It’s all a part of my artistic identity I guess. I think I am quite chill in my daily life. I like to drink good coffee and I like to cook good meals and drink wine with friends. I also like to be alone, to go for long walks, and I like to paint. I am never bored. There is so much I want to be doing.
5- You did “The Last Kingdom” It was for the tv serie at the same name. Have you watched the serie? How it feels like to be a part of a soundtrack?
Eivor: I love to be part of the soundtrack for this great TV series. It’s been so much fun and so inspiring towork on the music. I kind of acidentally got into working with film music and I love it.
Music and film is such a strong duo. It’s like two dimensions of the same fantasy and when the yare in perfect harmony it can reach new dimensions.
Singing to a living picture also reminds me of my childhood when I would dream away somewhere in the wild nature. The landscape was my concert hall. Singing on film scores kind of gives me this same feeling..
6- COVID-19 has affected all of our lives deeply. It has been a year which musicians had to postpone their projects or cancel their tours.
Well then in which way did the quarantine affect your production process?
Eivor: Yes it has been a very strange year for all of us indeed.
When the covid thing first started I was in the process of finishing my album, and was spendingmost of my time in my studio anyways, so in that way it wasn’t so bad. I was of course very sadthat my BIG album release tour had to be postponed a whole year.
Times like these are of course difficult for artists as they can’t share their music LIVE with people which is such an essential part of it all. But times like these also tend to make people think differently and shed light on things that might have been forgotten.
I have really enjoyed doing my late back acoustic livestreams from my home.. It’s been a new way of sharing moments with my fans and I have felt very close to them despite the distance.
7- When all this time course ends, what do you imagine yourself doing?
Eivor: I will be playing A LOT of live shows and I’ll probably be hugging people all the time!
8- What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a multilingual musician in a global music industry?
Eivor: Interesting question.
Well some people prefer to hear me sing my native language and some prefer to hear mesing in English.
Personally I like to sing in both languages. For me it’s like two different instruments with two completely different sounds.
When I write songs I try to be very open about which language the songs want to be sung in. Sometimes a song feels better in English and sometimes it feels more natural in Faroese.
9- With the growth you have since you’ve been in this profession for a couple of decades, what do you claim as mistakes when you take a look at the past?
Eivor: I have done things in my life that I am proud of and also things that I am not so proud of. I don’t think you can make only right decisions in your life.
Taking a few wrong turns on your journey is important in order to learn and to grow. So I think I’d prefer to look back and see the things that taught me a lesson and eventually pointed me in the right direction ?
10 – If we were to ask you to create a playlist for listening to whilst in quarantine,which songs you’d definitely add to it?
I think I’d make a quite chilled out playlist.. It would probably look like this:
- Riverman – Nick Drake
- Waiting for you – Nick Cav
- Lazarus – David Bowie
- Everything I wanted – Billie Eilish
- So heavy I fell through the air – Grimes
- My work – JFDR
- Roads – Portishead
- Ambre – Niels Frahm
- Particles – Ólafur Arnalds
- Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell
- I put a spell on you – Nina Simone